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Task 5: Crime Scene Blood
To complete this task, figure out which piece of evidence, when combined with the toxicology report, connects Summer's killer to the unidentified blood found at the crime scene.
Type the name of the piece of evidence (for example: "Offender Record") and use spaces if there's multiple words. The answer is not case-sensitive. If you're not sure what the name of the evidence is, click here for a list of all evidence that is currently in play (i.e., hasn't been archived). Enter the evidence name as it appears in the list.
Complete Task
Type the name of the piece of evidence below. If you're not sure what the name of the evidence is, click here for a list of all evidence that is currently in play (i.e., hasn't been archived). Enter the name as it appears in the list and use spaces between words.
Hint #1
Hint #2
Hint #3
Hint #4/Answer
Evidence in Play
From Part 1
- Seattle Times Magazine
- Crime Scene Report
- Digital Extraction of Luna Brooks' Computer
- Dante's Police Interview
- Ezra's Police Interview
- Officer Notes Notebook
From Part 3
- Necklace
- Still Rock Patient Schedule
- Gordon's Trinkets Receipt
From Part 4
- Highland Park Map
From Part 5
- Offender Record
- Note Found Inside Blue Envelope
From Part 6
- Summer's Employee ID
- SPP 2019 Workshop Flyer
- Therapy Notes for Kingston Barrett
- Easter Island Postcard
- Toxicology Report (Note: this is not the answer)
From Part 7
- Case Conference Emails
- Rescheduling Emails
- Text Messages Evidence
- Dating App Evidence
- Patient Complaint Form
- Loose Officer Note
- Pill Bottle
- Dog Bag
- Prolonged Exposure Therapy Guide
- Temporary Tattoo