• Task #1: Eliminate the Last Suspect

    Select the last suspect that can be eliminated. You also need to select the reason why they can be eliminated and three pieces of evidence that support why they can be eliminated.

  • Hints: Task #1 — Eliminate the Last Suspect

    We can figure out who killed Summer by eliminating one more suspect.

  • Task #2: Killer's Motive

    Select the killer's motive. If you get it right, you'll be asked to pick two piece of evidence that prove the motive.

  • Hints: Task #2 — Killer's Motive


    Make sure you've figured out who killed Summer before looking at these hints (there are spoilers).

  • Task #3: Timing Summer's Murder

     Why did Summer's killer choose to murder Summer when they did?

  • Hints: Task #3 — Timing Summer's Murder

    Only click through these hints after you've completed all previous tasks and checkpoints.

  • Task #4: Necklace

    Why did Summer's killer place a necklace on top of her?

  • Hints: Task #4 — Necklace

  • Task #5: Connecting Evidence

    We know Summers killer purchased a necklace and placed it on top of her. The Gordon's Trinkets receipt and which two other pieces of evidence show that Summer's killer purchased the necklace?

  • Hints: Task #5Connecting Evidence

    Only click through these hints once you've completed previous tasks and checkpoints.