• Task #1: Eliminate a Suspect

    Complete the quiz below to eliminate a suspect.


    To get this question correct, you need to select the correct suspect, the reason why they can be eliminated (did they lack the means or the opportunity to commit the crime?), and 3 pieces of evidence that show why they can be eliminated.

  • Hints: Task #1 — Eliminate a Suspect

  • Task #2: Who Lied to Police About Their Whereabouts on September 14th?

    One suspect lied to police (either through their witness statement or through their interview) about where they were on the morning of September 14th. Who lied?

  • Hints: Task #2 — Who Lied to Police About Their Whereabouts on September 14th?

    Click through these hints if you're not sure which suspect lied to the police about their alibi.

  • Task #3: Who Does the Scrunchie Belong To?

    Select the person the scrunchie belongs to (or if it's unknown, select "unknown").

  • Hints: Task #3 — Who Does the Hair Scrunchie Belong To?

  • Task #4: Decode the Luggage Tag Note

    Decode the note found in the luggage tag (written on the back of the "Parenting Studies" article).

  • Hints: Task #4 — Decode the Luggage Tag Note

    Decode the note found in the luggage tag (written on the back of the "Parenting Studies" article).


    Make sure you've completed the first checkpoint (figured out who the scrunchie belongs to) before you do this checkpoint.