• Task #1: Access Summer's Blog

    You do not need to complete this quiz to pass this task (if you've accessed Summer's blog, you've successfully completed the task). You have unlimited free guesses for this task (do not record any incorrect answers if you're tracking your score).

  • Hints: Task #1 — Access Summer's Blog

    Click through these hints if you're having trouble accessing Summer's blog. When entering the password on the website (www.summerlachance.com) make sure you aren't entering any spaces between words, and make sure the first word is capitalized.

  • Task #2: Unlock the Gray Bag

    You do not need to complete this quiz to pass this task (if you've physically opened the bag, you've successfully completed the task). You have unlimited free guesses for this task (do not record any incorrect answers if you're tracking your score).

  • Hints: Task #2 — Unlock the Gray Bag

    Make sure you complete task 1 (access Summer's blog) before starting this task. 

  • Task #3: Who Does the Pink, Sparkly Bag Belong To?

    Who does the pink sparkly bag belong to?

  • Hints: Task #3 — Who Does the Pink, Sparkly Bag Belong To?

  • Enter the name of the university where Summer got her medical degree with no spaces inbetween words.